June 11 to July 19, 2026

June 11 to July 19, 2026
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About Us

Mexico 2026 follows the central purchase policy to save effort and money and controls the process of expenditure and purchase. Therefore, the Procurement Department has been established as a part of Logistics Directorate to implement the central purchase policy. Briefly, Procurement Department provides all requirements and services to the departments and divisions of the America Tender Supervisory Committee either from local or foreign markets. The Procurement Department is divided into four sections-

Seguimos la política de compras centralizadas para ahorrar esfuerzo y dinero y controlar el proceso de gastos y compras. Por lo tanto, se ha establecido el Departamento de Adquisiciones como parte de la Dirección de Logística para implementar la política de compras centralizadas. En resumen, el Departamento de Adquisiciones proporciona todos los requisitos y servicios a los departamentos y divisiones del Comité de Supervisión de Licitaciones de América, ya sea de los mercados locales o extranjeros. El Departamento de Adquisiciones se divide en cuatro secciones


Amazing Services


We have the sole mandate for the purpose of handling all public procurements in Mexico.
Tenemos el mandato único para efectos de tramitar todas las contrataciones públicas en México.



We are focued on transforming Rural coummunity to become urban settlement by 2027.
Nos centramos en transformar la comunidad rural para convertirla en un asentamiento urbano para el año 2027.


We ensure process standard on tender/bids from foreign companies as regulated by law.
Garantizamos el estándar de proceso en licitaciones/ofertas de empresas extranjeras según lo regula la ley.



Our mandate is to increase the quality of lives in Mexico through quality projects.
Nuestro mandato es aumentar la calidad de vida en México a través de proyectos de calidad.


Mexico 2026WHY CHOOSE US

Mexico 2026 represents the brightest, most innovative thinking in management disciplines and business strategies. Our values are to maintain the client’s relationship through its confidentiality and trusted professionals. We bring together expertise from a broad range of disciplines, including research, analysis, and strategy to develop unique solutions to complex client challenges. We focus on diverse industries in Mexico market bringing deep knowledge and experience of these sectors.

The tournament will take place from June 11 to July 19, 2026. It will be jointly hosted by 16 cities in three North American countries: Canada, Mexico, and the United States. The tournament will be the first hosted by three nations and the first North American World Cup since 1994

June 11 to July 19, 2026

Indoor Stadiums